Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Free Online Huawei Modem Unlock Code Calculator - Unlock Your Huawei Modem Here.

This is my attempt to deal with couple of things I can't stand at the same time.
  1. Mobile Network providers locking Modems to their network and denying their customers the freedom to choose.
  2. Commercial websites charging mobile users to unlock their modems.
My solution
I have coded an online unlock code calculator for Huawei modems. Why Huawei ? - Because this is the most common modem where I come from. Basically all modems in the kenyan market(safaricom, zain, orange and Yu ) and beyond can be successfully unlocked using just a code.

Supported Models :

E1762, E180, E182E, E196, E226, E270, E271, E272, E510, E612, E618, E620, E630, E630+,
E660, E660A, E800, E870, E880, EG162, E880, EG162, EG162G, EG602, EG602G
E156, E155, E1550, E1552, E156G, E160, E160G, E161, E166, E169, E169G, E170, E172, E176,

To Access the unlocker Click Here


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. pliz unlock for me E160 IMEI 351596033760556 and E160 IMEI 351596033798242.... your service will b highly appreciated

    1. If you need an unlocking service for your modem visit Here you can unlock your modem at low cost.

  4. wacha ufala tafadhali, stop taking us round and round. You have nothing to offer and you just want to take us round and round while you build your blog starts.

  5. dont fuck us!!!! excuse please, waste your own time and respect people.

    none of your links works.!@!@!

    and please delete this post just as you have done with the others. But you cant delete it in your mind,

    we are all professional bloggers and wont take such cheap tricks

    fuck fuck fuck.....

  6. plz unlock for me E173u-2 IMEI 869878006385867 tq

  7. please unlock b970b IMEI 355983031611484 locked for STC saudi arabia, very thankful to you

  8. You Fucking Crap!
    My modem is Locked Forever!
    Hurry Up! Delete This Comment That Other innocent peoples Lock They
    Modems Forever!
    What r u waiting For Delete it!
    If Not all Peoples Can See What Fucking Business U r On!

  9. I want unlock my model plz help me my modem model:EC159 and MEID :A000002E64028D plz help me
